Dallas Democratic State Senator, Nathan Johnson, has boldly filed Senate Joint Resolution 25 (SJR25, a constitutional amendment giving Texans the right to petition for a public vote on statewide initiatives and referendums (I&R).

The Texas Democratic Party has long opposed I&R, while the Texas GOP long supported it until 1994 with the election of Governor George W. Bush. That’s when the GOP took I&R out of their platform.

LIV has THE scoop! More legislators need to step up with Johnson before the filing deadline on Friday, March 10th. Help us find good Dems and good Repubs to work together for all!

READ AND SHARE OUR FLIER ON SJR 25 HERE! https://fc7356f8-cf4d-4dbe-93f4-df616a9eda61.usrfiles.com/ugd/fc7356_09ec99c60a7a47fe8795904e0a20556d.pdf

Then call your State Rep. and ask to speak to their Legislative Director or Chief of Staff, get their name, and make the ask. Ask your Rep to support SJR 25.

Let us know how it went, please!

Submitted by: Linda Curtis, Chief Organizer – League of Independent Voters of Texas (LIV)




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