US Congressman Michael Cloud Addressed Citizens in August

The Congressman’s comments reflect his political party and are not a reflection of the Bastrop County Beacon’s unbaised reporting.

At this time, it will take all people to be strong and courageous to see our country continue to stand.
Have we had so much success and prosperity that we have forgotten how to fight? Everyone needs to look inward and decide if they are fighters.

Leading up to the last election, we had lots of conversations about the possibility of Republicans being in the majority and what that meant. We were on fire to make changes.
Congressman Cloud did not come to fill a seat. He did not come to slow down the direction government was headed, which was running toward a cliff. He came to ensure government completely changed direction and began to at least walk in the right direction.

Following are some of the bills he was very active in passing:

Passage of the 72-hour rule which required that bills be provided to electors at least 72 hours in advance of a vote, instead of just hours, which gave them no time to make an informed decision.

Passed single subject bill which required that the bill have a clearly defined goal and topic. An example of the type of bills passed before this were a farm bill combined with funding for a war in a foreign country. It made no sense, other than the authors pushing their pet bill through Congress.
Germanicus rule states that amendments to bills have to actually be about the topic of the bill, thereby, disallowing amendments adding more fluff and pet bills to be tacked on.

Most people hear this changes and think “I thought you were doing this already.”. No, as crazy as it sounds, these bills had to be added.

Lots of things going wrong in DC. Every time you look into something, you find more that is wrong. The good news is, it is getting uncovered.

The Congressman in on the Appropriations Committee, very unusual for a freshman congressman.
There are two types of bills that happen on the Appropriations Committee in DC, Authorizing bills that grant permission to buy items like planes, guns…and you have Appropriations bills that direct the government entities to actually purchase the planes, guns… Congressman Cloud is on the Committees that all these spending bills go through. It has been a real shock to have conservatives on this Committee. The Congressman is actually asking to read the bills before he votes on them, shocking many staffers.

In times past, conservatives would attempt to reduce the spending by 10% and call that win.
The Congressman is taking a different approach, starting with stopping evil and wasteful spending first, then considering other financial outlays. We are literally funding evil every day on the backs of taxpayers. This has to stop. The government has funded drag shows in Ecuador, sent grants to foreign countries to advocate for prostitution, and more. First we stop this spending, then lets see where the numbers are. Many times these expenditures are hard to find. Much of Pelosi’s spending was “off book” and difficult to find. One of our issues is the way the government gives grants to foreign countries. Put yourself in their shoes.

The US gives a grant with all kinds of strings attached, like them having to fly the gay pride flag, contrary to your beliefs… China gives them a grant and just says, use it to build roads. What would you do?

He has had ambassadors sit in his office and say that every dollar you send to my country goes to undermine Christian values and family because of all the strings you attach. The Congressman and his allies are doing all they can to find every dollar being spent in this manner and removing the funding.

Compared to prior bills on the floor of Congress, most current bills are much more conservative, although we still have to contend with the Senate. This is all new ground. We will see where it comes out. In spite of all the darkness, there is hope on the horizon. No mission accomplished banner. Lots of work left to be done.

A lot of the nefarious actions happen at the grant writing level. For example, the University of Houston in Victoria took a humanities grant from the Department of Education and used it for gender studies. Accordingly, the Congressman has been very intent on changing the process to provide clarity on exactly:
how the money will be used,
the school using it,
the department using it,
the teacher teaching it.

They will use this information to hold the teachers accountable. The Anti-deficiency Act is an act complimentary to the above disclosure. Simplistically, it says individuals may not use funding for purposes that were not the intent of the grant. If used improperly, the teachers will be personally liable.

Why so many pieces of legislation? Because the Congressman finds it unconscionable that the American taxpayer would be asked to pay for their own country’s demise.

This was a great presentation. An opportunity missed if you did not attend the meeting.

You may see the full presentation and Q&A at BCC YouTube Congressman Cloud.

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