Bastrop Chamber of Commerce

What a fantastic morning we had at the first-ever #BastropVotes Breakfast!

A dedicated group of community members gathered at the Old Town Restaurant for a hearty breakfast, fueling up for a day of civic action. We then marched together to the courthouse to cast our votes, making our voices heard and making a difference.

It was incredible to see so many smiles, so much enthusiasm, and an unwavering commitment to our community. This marks the beginning of a new tradition brought to you by the Bastrop Chamber of Commerce, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. These amazing individuals are leading the way in showing us all that each vote counts and that together, we can shape our community’s future.

Let’s keep the momentum going and continue to make Bastrop a better place for all.

Thank you to Old Town for the amazing service and tasty food! Let’s keep the spirit of civic engagement alive.





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