Legislation Would Create Recall of US Senators

A measure filed in the Texas House would amend the state election code by creating a recall provision for United States senators. Emily Wilkerson has the details.


House Bill 5065 by State Rep. Brian Harrison (R-Midlothian) would subject Texas’ U.S. senators to a recall if there is a majority vote in each chamber of the Texas Legislature.

“Our founders intended U.S. senators to represent the interests of the sovereign states and safeguard against federal overreach,” said Harrison. “Unfortunately, since the 17th Amendment, many have become beholden to D.C. special interests and complicit in the erosion of liberty and acceleration of America’s move to a post-constitutional era, where unelected bureaucrats write and enforce law by edict. We must empower Texans to ensure our U.S. senators serve the best interest of the State of Texas.”

The legislation comes at a particularly bad time for U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R–TX), who has seen his popularity drop after helping push a gun control bill funding the imposition of red-flag laws confiscating Americans’ guns without due process. After the bill passed the Senate, delegates at the Texas GOP biennial convention booed Cornyn off the stage.

“This legislation opens up an interesting conversation about our elected officials. Unfortunately, a court would likely find a recall mechanism for U.S. senators unconstitutional,” said attorney Tony McDonald.




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