Smithville firefighter shares his journey with Texas A&M Forest Service

Colton Curles of Smithville didn’t plan on being a full-time fireman with the Texas A&M Forest Service. However, he found that being in an unpredictable blaze helped calm his mind and focus on the task at hand, which is where he really started to enjoy fighting fires.

“There is a lot going on where there is a high level of risk and task on a fire, so either one requires my full attention,” Curles told The Eagle on Monday from his office in Smithville. “I have a really short attention span. So if I am around the office I am pacing around and I’ll be doing one thing and get distracted. But on a fire, all of that goes away and I am really focused on it and I have no problem maintaining my attention to that.”

Curles followed in his father’s footsteps. Robbie Curles retired from the Texas A&M Forest Service in 2016 as a bulldozer operator in Le Grange and in Smithville. Even though his father had worries about his son joining such a dangerous field, Curles said ultimately he knew this was the best place for him.

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