Election Security Measures Move Through Texas Senate

With more than a month remaining in this year’s regular session, a handful of measures to protect Texas elections are moving quietly through the Legislature. As Erin Anderson notes, this is a big change from two years ago when election integrity fights consumed much of the energy in the Capitol and sparked multiple special sessions.

Election Security Measures Move Through Texas Senate

Senate Bill 1070 by State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R–Mineola) received preliminary approval from the Senate on Tuesday on a party-line vote of 19-12. The measure effectively bars Texas from participating in a controversial voter roll interstate crosscheck program, known as ERIC, by setting new cost limits and security requirements for any program used by the state.

Another election security measure making progress is Senate Bill 2 by Hughes. It restores felony penalties for illegal voting offenses. In 2021, Republicans in the Texas House conspired with Democrats to reduce the penalties at the last minute.

SB 2 passed the Senate on March 14 and was sent to the House the following day. But Speaker Dade Phelan waited 25 days, until Monday, April 10, to send the measure to the House Elections Committee for possible consideration.

As of April 11, only two bills have moved out of the House Elections Committee and none have yet reached the House floor for action.


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